Pharmacogenetic test that studies genetic variants related to colon cancer treatment.Request test
Pharmacogenetic test that studies genetic variants related to breast cancer treatment.Request test
Pharmacogenetic test that studies genetic variants related to prostate cancer treatment.Request test
Pharmacogenetic test that studies genetic variants related to lung cancer treatment.Request test
DNA test that studies the genetic polymorphisms, related to the therapeutic efficacy of the treatment of urological pathologies, in order to select th...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of analgesics, in order to select the most appropriate drug and dose....Request test
The anesthesia-postoperative context is a situation of high risk for the patient's health. This study helps select the most suitable drugs, to be admi...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of antiarrhythmic drugs, in order to select the most appropriate drug...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of oral anticoagulants, in order to select the most appropriate drug...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of antiepileptic drugs in order to select the most appropriate drug a...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of drugs for the hypertension treatment, in order to select the most...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with therapeutic efficacy of anxiolytics, in order to select the most appropriate drug and dose...Request test
DNA test that studies genetic polymorphisms associated with the genes involved in the statins metabolism (simvastatin, atorvastatin, etc..) in order t...Request test