Evaluates liver detoxification capacity. Objective: find out the capacity to eliminate xenobiotics according to our genes.Request test
Basic preventive nutrigenetics profile. Objective: determine the optimal diet according to our genes.Request test
DNA test for women in menopause stage, before taking hormone replacement therapy. It evaluates sporadic risk of breast cancer and thrombosis predispos...Request test
DNA test that analyses different aspects related to health and well-being. Objective: To improve long-term health by modifying lifestyle based on gene...Request test
Analyses individual susceptibility to develop androgenic alopeciaRequest test
DNA test fpr people with signs of bronchitis (especially smokers), obstructive lung disease, or altered hepatic markers, not justified by other causes...Request test
DNA test that assesses predisposition to cardiovascular events. Objectives: To personalise preventive strategies and reduce risks related to heart dis...Request test
DNA test of genetic predisposition to gluten intolerance. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease of the small intestine.Request test
DNA test to preventively know the risk of colorectal carcinoma. The test analyzes the genetic pathways involved in cell growth and their proliferation...Request test
DNA test for preventively know the genetic risk of periodontitis. Provides customized recommendations to prevent the bone destruction and the tooth lo...Request test
DNA test for Gilbert's syndrome, a hereditary disorder associated with a high level of blood bilirubin, sometimes associated with the intake of some d...Request test
DNA test that provides information on the risk of open-angle glaucoma, allowing preventive measures to be taken in order to avoid it.Request test
DNA test for Hemochromatosis, an inherited disease that affects iron metabolism, causing excessive and improper accumulation of this metal in organs a...Request test
DNA test of histamine-related migraine risk. It is more conclusive than the determination of DAO activity in serum, indicating not a specific level, b...Request test
DNA test that analyses the defence capacity of the immune system based on genetics. Objective: To know the predisposition to infections and alteration...Request test
Assist in the diagnosis of lactose intolerance and coeliac disease. Assess genetic risk factors for inflammatory bowel diseases.Request test
DNA test of lactose intolerance. Indicated for people with symptoms such as flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, headache, which usually appear between 30 mi...Request test
Analyses genetic variants related to emotional state. Objective: Improve mental well-being.Request test
DNA test that evaluates the elimination of nicotine and the intensity of its action, dopamine metabolism, risk of dependence, in order to customize th...Request test
The SPORADICgenes profile is indicated for all women who want to know the risk of sporadic breast cancer, in order to establish personalized preventiv...Request test
DNA test of genetic predisposition to thrombosis. It is indicated in women taking hormonal contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in meno...Request test